Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Current events! EA Games & models

Well I thought I would put up a small update of things happening. The largest of these events is starting work at EA games in Orlando. I honestly don't know much about what I will be doing yet; out side of the fact that I'm modeling. So I'm a bit nervous. Ether way its exciting!

No action in your comfort zone allows you to grow! This is something I forget all to often; and I have been comfortable for to long.

Second I have been building small models. Its fast and fun work. I get to kick out small low rez models that honestly don't need to be clean so I get to pretty much just sculpt auto UV and texture my ass off. I have made well over 50 models and 100 textures in the last week alone. Below I will be posting some of the textured works. They are not anything crazy just fun. None of these models took more then 30-45 minutes to sculpt/model/texture. Enjoy and I hope every one is having a great time. ^__^

Thursday, January 23, 2014

More bits for the shop!

Just a fun concept I saw and wanted to make a 3d ver 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

First set of Sculpts

A few bits of fan art, different Poro from Lol
Thanks Badking for the base line inserts

Nromal - different colors
Angel and devil



Friday, January 17, 2014

More low res work.

More Low res game work for our vender. ^__^

In Engine

Branding and low rez work.

Building a shop to sell some stuff, and here is our sales Box. little low rez prop. And I made the logo for the shop really quick. 

Fiber testing

A bit of Fibermesh testing for some logo work 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

LOL 30 second Tire

Never thought about it b4 but I used some of my Hard surface stuff in Zbrush and made a tire in 30 seconds. Kinda laughed when I remembered the revolving method I had to use when I was going through school. 

But ya no joke 30 seconds tire done. lol

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3Dcoat texture work

So I have shared the joys of 3DCoat through out my college days and I feel after playing with this model over the holidays I need to prop it up once more. This program is amazing. I can honestly say all I need is zbrush 3Dcoat and a rendering/animation package to finish my work. (maya, Max, Modo, XSI, etc)

Best 400 dollars you can spend if your in our industry!

I would say this was about 2-3 days of me just messing around while sitting at my parents coffee table over the holidays. I would guess the build took about 5 hours and the textures the same. I was working without concept, I can't tell all you artists how important it is to even block/sketch out what your working on. I shot from the hip and I wasted a ton of time. But I still had fun.

So the next step is pumping out a quick cool looking cloak and then a basic rig. This dude will be a little mascot for my web site.

And if people want to use him to rig up or for teaching purposes I don't mind. I plan on letting him be my low res flag ship of sorts.

In this instance I didn't use Zbrush. Only programs used where Maya and 3dCoat. (not even photoshop)

Happy new year every one!